Are there any businesses out there who are yet to take advantage of the cloud? Who aren’t consuming at least a few critical applications as a service? Who are not using our most game-changing business technology?
Probably not.
For most of your customers, cloud platforms are increasingly the base on which new products, services and business models are built. Which means that excellent connectivity is more than just important, it’s essential for survival.
This need for reliable data translates into an enormous opportunity for channel partners. Robust connections are becoming the backbone of modern business and are crucial for meeting their corporate objectives and growth targets.
Of course, you can provide the data services that help support their goals. But to truly deliver your customers’ data needs, you’ve got to understand what they’re looking for.
Data services need to be able to scale up and down according to your customers’ needs. Businesses with seasonal peaks of traffic won’t want to be paying for high bandwidth for the rest of the year. And when customers are reaching their data limits, they’ll need to be able to add more bandwidth instantly, with minimal disruption.
Remember, every customer will have different requirements. So the data solutions you provide must be dynamic enough to accommodate them.
Business Priority
If your customers’ business relies on strong connectivity, they don’t want to suffer slow network speeds because of non-business users. Organisations increasingly expect business-only data solutions that provide uncontended bandwidth in a secure environment.
This is obvious, really. Customers don’t want to worry about data, they want it to just work. An outage could bring their entire business to a standstill, and they won’t have a sense of humour about the situation if it happens. The data services you provide need to be robust to the point of indestructible, built and maintained to deal with any circumstances.
Data and other services like voice are overlapping and converging. To customers, it’s making more and more sense to get all of them from a single provider. The cost savings are obvious, but it also makes sense to have a single bill from a single supplier with a single point of contact for any enquiries.
Customer reliance on connectivity is a huge opportunity for channel partners. If you can provide the reliability, convenience and flexibility that businesses need from their data solutions, you’ll soon see the rewards.
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