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ESG governance

An overview of our governance structure and responsibilities.


Our ESG commitments are underpinned and supported by a strong and robust governance structure.

In October 2020, we established an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee comprising members of our board and senior leadership team.

The committee is responsible, on behalf of the board, for overseeing the development of the group’s ESG strategy and governance structure, and the establishment of related goals and policies.

The committee is supported by an ESG Steering Group which implements the strategy and facilitates the delivery of ESG initiatives across the business.

The ESG Committee

The main purpose of the committee is to represent the board in defining the company’s strategy relating to ESG matters and to review the practices and initiatives of the company relating to ESG matters, while ensuring they remain effective and up to date. The ESG committee is chaired by a senior independent non-executive director every quarter. Established in October 2020, the ESG Committee is primarily responsible for:

The ESG Committee Terms of Reference


Overseeing the development of the group’s ESG strategy and governance structures and associated goals and policies.


Ensuring that management establish appropriate ESG KPIs and related targets, and for overseeing their ongoing performance measurement and reporting.


Monitoring ESG trends and related standards and legislative requirements and how those are likely to impact on the group’s strategy and financial performance.


Making sure that the Group is transparent in its reporting of ESG matters to all its key constituents and that an ESG awareness is promoted throughout the organisation.


Our ESG Committee is chaired by Shaun Gregory, one of our independent non-executive directors.

The ESG Steering Group

The ESG Steering Group consists of senior leadership team members who are responsible for implementing the ESG strategy and related policies. The group is chaired by the group operations director. The ESG Steering Group reports to the ESG Committee and has the following responsibilities:


Implement the recommendations of the ESG Committee and the senior leadership team regarding ESG.


Build an external perspective by exploring investor preferences, disclosure levels of other relevant companies, customer standards, and employee and prospective employee perspectives.


Ensure group ESG policies are proportionate with Gamma’s business priorities and cultural dynamics.


Nurture a positive culture of transparency and adoption towards ESG matters.


Propose & agree targets and related planning.


Ensure Gamma can fulfil mandatory and desired levels of disclosure.


Agree matters for approval / sponsorship by the ESG Committee and Gamma senior leadership team.


Monitor ESG related risks and market opportunities and agree associated planning.