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AIM Rule 26

This page was last updated on 21/01/2025.

This page includes the information required by AIM Rule 26 or links to other pages where it appears.


Description of the business

Company Information

Directors and biographical details

The Board

The Board and Committees of the Board

The Board
Corporate Governance – Overview

Country of Incorporation

England and Wales

Main country of operation

United Kingdom

Constitutional documents

Articles Of Association

Number of AIM securities in issue

97,500,389 Ordinary shares

Number of AIM securities in issue held as treasury shares


Percentage of AIM securities not in public hands


Names and percentage holdings of significant shareholders

Name Number of voting rights (1) Percentage of total voting rights (1)
Liontrust Investment Partners LLP 9,514,466 9.94%
BlackRock, Inc 7,302,480 (2) 7.62%
Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 6,614,518 6.97%
Allianz Global Investors GmbH 4,993,399 5.13%
Jupiter Fund Management PLC 4,809,183 4.97%
Aegon NV 3,793,507 (3) 3.94%

1 as at date of notification to the company
2 includes 444,884 shares held as Contracts for Difference
3 includes 8,393 shares held as Contracts for Difference

Annual and interim reports

Company Reports

Notifications / announcements

Regulatory news

Admission Document / circulars

Admission Document

Key advisers


UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers

Gamma Communications plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.