Knowing when to upgrade your telephony can be a challenge.
Do you wait until the cracks start to show in your infrastructure – when call quality starts degrading, phone system management becomes frustrating and lines can’t handle peak demand? Or, do you wait until business goals deem an infrastructure change necessary? In order to increase service quality, become more efficient and grow as a business, you find yourself in need of an infrastructure upgrade in order to match wider business plans.
It’s a dilemma akin to the age old question: what came first, the chicken or the egg? In the world of business, there’s no right answer.
What’s suitable for your organisation will depend on your unique situation. Organisations should consider past experiences, the current environment and future ambitions in order to help determine what should spur on change. Workforce mobility, cloud integration, business continuity and scalability are just some of the drivers for a telephony upgrade.
With trends of remote working on the up and cloud technology uptake continuing, many are looking to cloud voice to guarantee business success. SIP trunking is one prime example of this. It can immediately enhance operations while delivering instant cost savings. Better still, it futureproofs organisations so regardless of what determinations change, operations remain durable.