Traditionally, contact centre solutions and their accompanying add-ons were often seen as Lego bricks. A new yet isolated add-on offering an additional capability was stacked onto the existing pile, promising the world but not always delivering. In reality, agents are too often left navigating a maze of desktop applications, fighting to solve customer queries securely and all before the next call beep. There is a simpler solution and it’s called Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration.
Read on to discover 4 key benefits of integrating CRM software with your contact centre. Wave goodbye to outdated, unsustainable ways of working and get ready to transform the way you do business.
1. CRM: Work smarter, not harder
Over the last 12 months, remote working has allowed many workforces to overhaul their existing telephony setup. Cloud-based technology has paved the way for more modern contact centres and transformed the way that we connect with each other. CRM integration is a must-have partnership for any contact centre. It keeps teams focused and working smarter, not harder, whenever and wherever they’re based.
For instance wouldn’t it be preferable to have a single window that contained all of your customer contacts and history, but also allowed agents to take calls and benefit from skills-based routing and automatic call distribution?
Everything is organised in one platform and all data can be stored publicly and/or privately in the cloud, accessible to those permitted.
As your customers move through their journey using voice calls, email or chat, they’re feeding crucial information to your CRM. Contact centre agents can analyse both inbound and outbound information simultaneously. They are often able to prioritise callers, such as high-risk customers or those with outstanding requirements.
Contact centre agents can analyse both inbound and outbound information simultaneously. They are often able to prioritise callers, such as high-risk customers or those with outstanding requirements.
Collaboration is also a key benefit to an integrated CRM. Your agents need to stay connected and unified while at work. This fully joined-up solution allows data sharing and a collaborative experience that exists worlds above any outdated premise-based solution.
Streamlined communication and seamless customer transactions? This type of setup must cost the earth, right? Wrong…
2. Cost-effective and high quality? That’s a good call
There’s no question that integrated CRM software is the most cost-effective and efficient option for contact centres. If the question were to be posed, the answers would be available in droves.
When it comes to adoption, so rarely does the ‘cheaper’ option truly offer the best business experience for both employees and customers. Integrated CRM is that exception. Let us break it down for you…
Not only are you reducing overall operational costs, but you’re also saving on things like training and call handling time (that SLA report suddenly seems a lot less daunting). All the while, the capability of this integrated software is providing your team with more upsell/cross-sell opportunities. Making you money whilst saving you money.
Most CRM focus on three processes; Building customer relationships, customer retention and customer acquisition. The three pillars of a successful sales year. A blended contact centre encompasses multiple platforms for communication, including inbound and outbound contact. Agents can collect data that has been analysed in an integrated CRM quickly and leverage it through any one of the available channels, increasing conversion rates through upsell and cross-sell opportunities.
The Lego brick method
Choosing to add a CRM solution on top of your existing setup? Get ready to fork out. Each new add-on usually comes from a different provider, meaning that they don’t always work together seamlessly. It also means that setup, training and maintenance bills will be stored in a filing system that no doubt houses invoices for all those other add-ons that sounded good at the time.
It is usually easier to install one integrated system rather than five separate applications. Software updates can also be trickier to navigate when you have multiple, disjointed add-ons across various clients.
The Lego brick method is even more costly for small to medium-sized businesses, who might feel that more expensive add-ons keep them up to date with their competition. Integrated solutions allow businesses to scale up or down as they see fit, enabling them to build a contact centre that meets customer demands and fits their price range.
The customer is always ‘live’
Now, let’s shine the spotlight on omnichannel customer service and how integration can empower business growth. The adoption of this type of software has grown from 20% in 2010 to more than 80% in 2020 – and demand is clearly driven by the consumer.
Hubspot found that in 2020, 54% of customers picked email as their preferred channel of contact and 42% opted for live chat. If you’re not offering more than one option for contact, with an integrated CRM to give quick access to crucial customer data, you’re already flagging behind.
Competitors with these more flexible and reachable solutions are better equipped to meet those all-important customer expectations.
3. First call resolution becomes the standard
It’s the holy grail for both the business and the customer, yet one of the biggest pitfalls in obtaining a first call resolution is disconnected agents. We don’t just mean their connection to the cloud, but their connection with each other. Your team all need to be on the same page so that a customer query doesn’t become a customer complaint.
CRM integration allows your teams to quickly access customer data from previous interactions, enabling them to identify causes for concern and offer prompt resolutions or updates. They can quickly ascertain whether they need to transfer a call to a subject matter expert or a specific department, increasing your levels of customer satisfaction and enabling first call resolutions.
Many CRMs even prompt agents when follow-up tasks need to be completed.
When offering support, CRM integration equips your teams with customer context thanks to real-time access to information. We all know that a customer’s priority is to have their query dealt with promptly and successfully, and with CRM integration, support is a mere click away. Which brings us onto our final point…
4. Revolutionise customer experience
Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Customer Service and Support technologies recently identified five solutions set to revolutionise customer experience, and they weren’t wrong. Amongst these five included customer service analytics and omnichannel call centre capability.
Consumers are becoming more and more self-reliant, opting for self-service channels such as live chat (42%) and chatbots (86%). They don’t want to be left listening to the dulcet tones of a never-ending call queue.
A customer journey can be ‘make or break’ depending on your contact centre setup. As we stated previously, CRM integration offers agents valuable insight into customer contact history and requirements. They can leverage this information to tailor their responses and increase conversion rates.
No matter the form of contact, each interaction is recorded into your customers’ history and can be accessed on the same screen that they’re using to communicate with recipients. Streamlining your apps and desktop optimisation means that no time is wasted loading multiple software add-ons that house customer information elsewhere. This also gives your customer base reassurance that their information is stored securely in one place. All these factors further build customer loyalty.
With customer demand calling the shots on contact, the only option for your contact centre is an integrated CRM. This combined technology works so well together because it is customer orientated – it’s no wonder the customer journey has become so smooth.
The benefits of integrating a CRM solution with your contact centre are clear to see. It offers your teams the ability to transform their interactions, provide the best possible customer service and outperform the competition.
Considering modernising your current setup and taking your customer service to the next level? Gamma can help. Learn more about our solutions, including our cloud contact centre solution, by getting in touch today.