SIP trunking services allow your customers to scale up and down instantly and route around business disruptions while lowering their communications costs.
Scale up
With Christmas just around the corner many of your customers may see an influx of calls and orders. It’s therefore vital that they have enough resources to meet demand. Employing temporary workers can help, but not if all of the phone lines are engaged. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s often not the most cost-effective solution.
Traditional telephony services, such as ISDN, don’t offer much flexibility. This means that for those customers who require more capacity for peak times of year the process isn’t straight forward. They are often stuck waiting for confirmation of an installation date for additional lines and can be faced with high expenses. By offering your customers SIP trunking services as an alternative to ISDN, they are able to scale channels up quickly and easily, for a fraction of the cost.
The number of active ISDN channels is declining by 300,000 per year.
In 2013, the number of SIP trunks in the UK surpassed 1 million.
Scale down
When your customers’ calls return to their normal levels they won’t want to be stuck with a number of expensive ISDN lines that are no longer in use. With SIP trunking services, when your customers’ business returns to normal after the holidays, so can their voice capacity. Just as easily as they scaled it up, the number of SIP channels can be scaled back down.
It is predicted that the number of SIP trunks in the UK will surpass 3 million by 2018.
Scale around
When you provide customers with SIP trunking services, calls can be instantly rerouted to other office locations, or to employee mobiles, to make sure business keeps flowing even if your customers can’t make it into the office.
“You can make sure no calls go unanswered by setting your VoIP system to continue forwarding calls until they get picked up. This means that when operatives from one team are very busy, operatives from a less busy team can take calls to support them. This approach helps keep staff productive too.” — Marketing Donut