So, you’re a small business owner who likes to think big. In an ideal world, you would have the same cyber security measures as a major tech firm. The ERP capabilities of a huge internet retailer. Or, the same granular data insights as an international conglomerate.
But you’re only a small business.
Size used to mean that these things were beyond your reach. Not anymore. With cloud technology, businesses of all sizes and sectors are now in the position to increase their efficiency, boost their productivity and grow.
Here’s why.
Greater collaboration
Small businesses know there’s strength in numbers. That’s why it’s so important to make the most of a smaller workforce and encourage collaboration. By embracing tools that can bring staff from all different geographies together to share ideas and talk through problems, small business owners are in the best position to compete with larger competitors. Cloud technologies can enable this. Data and documents become easily sharable, while communication tools can be used from any location provided users have the right software.No capital expenditure needed
With cloud technology, businesses can embrace a subscription model of working. By only paying for what is used, pressures on cash flow are eased. There’s also no big upfront capital expenditure required, which makes the change a lot easier to manage. What’s more, cloud-based tools are often easy to use, meaning there’s less of a need to invest heavily in dedicated IT resources – saving businesses further money.
More security, less stress
With cloud technology, there’s less of a burden on IT staff to manage maintenance and regular updates. Instead, security and software updates are handled by the cloud provider, and implemented remotely. This gives your small business breathing space to focus on value-adding strategic work, rather than admin.
Easy backup and recovery
IT downtime can be hugely damaging for a small business. Not only does it cause productivity to halt (which means losing out on time and money), there’s also the recovery period to consider (even more time and money wasted). Small businesses should be looking at the cloud as a cost-effective yet robust data backup solution. Because servers are cloud-based, your data is safe regardless of what happens to your office – be it natural disaster, vandalism or the result of human error.
Improves business flexibility
Relying on on-premise hardware can make the process of scaling up and down cumbersome and sometimes prohibitively expensive. With cloud-based services, small businesses can easily cope with fluctuations in bandwidth demand. Cloud capacity can be added as needs increase, and vice versa. As a result, small businesses can remain nimble – a crucial trait that customers demand in the digital economy. Let the cloud transform your small business today.
To find out how to make your move to the cloud simple and successful, check out our eGuide
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