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The missing Lync: How to make Microsoft Lync even better for external comms

Position yourself as a SIP trunk provider to supply your customers with Microsoft Lync for truly unified communications.

Disconnected unity:

Unified Communications (UC) has been a hot topic for the last few years. Since UC became a buzzword, we’ve all been promised phones that know when we’re out of the office, instant messaging clients that work on PCs, mobiles and communication routing that knows when we’re in meetings. This technology has taken a while to arrive, but you can now confidently offer this level of integration to your clients. By positioning your company as a SIP trunk provider, you can help your Lync customers to build a fully-featured UC infrastructure that meets all of their needs.


One last piece:

Offering SIP trunks that integrate with your customer’s existing Lync infrastructures allows customers to easily communicate via a number of routes. Users can now make and receive calls via SIP with Lync on their desktop PC, mobile or any device using the Lync web client.

This means that your customers can be contacted on their office DDI no matter where they are or whatever platform they’re using.

Present and accounted for:

Unlike traditional telephony, deploying SIP trunks integrated with Microsoft Lync ensures customers will no longer have to manually forward incoming calls to a mobile or be interrupted by a call during a meeting. Lync allows calls to be routed based on presence information. Users who add calendar entries for their meetings in Microsoft Outlook will find that inbound calls to their extension during meetings are routed directly to voicemail. When a user steps away from their desk and their Lync client detects inactivity on their workstation, they will be marked as ‘away.’ Inbound calls to a person who is in ‘away’ status can be automatically forwarded to a mobile. SIP trunking with Lync provides effortless, simple integration with tools that your customers are already using.

Mobile minutes be gone:

On top of the UC benefits you supply your customers, you can also help them save money on mobile calls. Lync provides mobile clients for Android, iOS and Windows Phone mobiles and tablets. These clients make use of either WiFi or the mobile data network to make and receive calls through a Lync-integrated SIP trunk. Your customers will no longer have to count mobile minutes.

One voice:

Help your customers communicate in ways they never thought they could. By becoming a SIP trunk provider you could help Lync customers:

› Make and receive external calls from PCs, mobiles or any web browser
› Reduce mobile minutes
› Intelligently route calls using presence information

Be your Lync customers’ SIP trunk provider and help them unify their communications now.