The majority of people are back from their holidays and now is the time to really focus on running some marketing campaigns for generating leads and interest in Inbound Services.
So to help inspire you, and as a pre-cursor to some pre-packaged campaign material that should be available shortly on the external knowledge base, here are my top 3 tips for campaign subjects. The target audience for these types of campaigns are MD’s and owners of SME’s and small or home offices across any industry type:
1. Protect your business this winter
In December 2010 Britain saw its heaviest snowfall for decades. The FSB (Federation of Small Businesses) estimated the total loss to UK businesses as £1.2bn and that 20% of UK staff could not make it into their offices. How many could work from home without having to give out their mobile or home number? Using Inbound services, incoming calls can be seamlessly routed to any phone, home or mobile without customers knowing any different.
2. Moving offices?
As businesses grow or downsize, there is always the tricky issue of how they manage incoming calls during the move from one office to another. Using Inbound services the transition is seamless and their number never needs to change. Answer calls on mobile or any landline number as you move to your new offices. Instant account creation, flexible call routing plans and remote activation are some of the key features and benefits you can push.
3. How many sales calls are you missing?
The beauty of having advanced statistics on Gamma Inbound is that you can show your customers how many calls they don’t even know they are missing. Rather than asking them what their business issues are, you can show them! Upsell simple number translations to an Inbound account and easily demonstrate the value and benefits of advanced statistics whilst generating more monthly margin for yourselves.