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Cyber Security Awareness

KnowBe4 Premier Partner

The cornerstone of cybersecurity protection is building a resilient human firewall. Start by building a culture of conscious security awareness for everyone at your organisation.

Security Awareness

Solutions designed to fortify your organisation’s first line of defence: your people Empower your team to build a solid human firewall capable of preventing even the most sophisticated cyber-attacks

Why choose a security awareness provider?

Despite the high level of technologic sophistication used by cybercriminals, employees remain the primary entry point to gain access to an organisation’s infrastructures, a weakness that is currently being exploited in 68% of breaches.

The human element remains a significant vulnerability route. By bringing in a security awareness provider, you can empower your team to become a proactive defence against cyber threats and build a security-first culture.

With comprehensive training, real-time security coaching, a compliance training library, and a SOAR platform, you can create a resilient human firewall that prevents costly breaches and will keep security on top of your employee’s mind.

  • Reduced malware and ransomware infections

    Keep your business devices protected by a more conscious user decision mindset.

  • Minimise risks and optimise resources and budgets

    A security awareness provider offers easy-to-integrate training solutions that require minimal oversight, keeping your content up-to-date and engaging to prevent training fatigue.

  • Reduced data loss

    Prepared teams are less likely to allow sensitive data leaks that can represent a major financial and reputational damage for your business.

  • Reduced potential cyber-theft

    A strong human firewall will significantly decrease the success rate of theft attempts on your business.

  • Users have security top of mind

    Through assessments, add-in buttons and simulations your employees will always be aware of potential risks.


As the world’s first and largest New-school Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform owner, KnowBe4 helps tackle the ongoing social engineering concern.

This powerful combination of training, real-time coaching, compliance support, and automation ensures your organisation is well-equipped to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats, keeping your business secure and resilient.

Explore the KnowBe4 platform

Security Awareness Training

With our ally KnowBe4, our AI-Powered, New School Security Awareness training ensures your employees will have security top of mind. Allowing you to train and phish your users, see their Phish-prone percentage™, watch their Risk Score improve over time and get measurable results. Our training is fuelled by the world’s largest security awareness training library, that delivers continuously updated content to engage every level of your organisation, skipping the need for those death-by-PowerPoint training sessions.


Security Coach

Compliance Plus

Security Awareness Devices

Free Resource for Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

We’ve teamed up with KnowBe4 to offer you a free training pack for Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Featuring an immersive, multimedia cybersecurity awareness training experience centered around the gripping original series "The Inside Man."

Claim your free pack today and begin building a culture of conscious security awareness with a well informed, engaged workforce.




The security awareness & phishing cycle: building resilience through continuous learning


Humanising cyber: using a risk score to promote a more human-conscious environment


The human as a security layer: empowering your workforce to combat cyber threats


Revolutionising phishing defence with AI and crowdsourcing: Gamma’s next-generation approach with KnowBe4


Building a regulation-resilient security awareness program with Gamma and KnowBe4


Cloud Transition and Cybersecurity: Challenges and Strategies


The Transformative Power of Humanising Cyber Security


Why is KnowBe4’s training ‘new-school'?

How many employees can we sign up? What is your scalability?

What is the human firewall?

How can you create a security culture in your organisation?

What ROI can I get from investing in awareness training?

How can awareness training help your business to prevent data loss?

How to ensure that employees are prepared to face cyber threats?

How to approach cybersecurity compliance effectively?

What regulations and audits should your business be prepared for?

How can we help you?