In the lead-up to Earth Day, we are excited to present a series of educational video explainers featuring Sarah Kirton, our Group Sustainability Director, and Katie Meikle, from Climate Impact Partners. In this enlightening series, Sarah and Katie will dive into the critical topics related to sustainability and global warming, providing viewers with valuable insights.
In this first episode, Sarah and Katie introduce Climate Impact Partners, what they do and the context in which they operate. Katie then explains terms relating to sustainability – offsetting, neutrality and net-zero. These are terms that we hear all the time, but many people are unaware of exactly what they mean and how they relate to the important challenge of caring for the environment and tackling global warming.
The broader challenge is also discussed – why it is so important to tackle the global warming issue, especially now.
Stay tuned for further episodes of this engaging and informative series, which aims to empower individuals, organisations, and communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to create a more sustainable future for our planet.