Common objections to cloud collaboration
We’ll be writing in detail about this in a second, companion article. Here are some first insights from that:
O: We have dozens of cloud apps already, many introduced by lines of business during the pandemic. Introducing more will sow confusion. And it might create divisions between teams.
R: Transformation is led from the top, and built from the bottom. Now is the time to harness the user engagement that drove digital transformation through the pandemic. Encourage them to consult back with the business about what they learned, and what they’d do better next time around. Then make them a keystone component of that next iteration (for instance see ‘low code authoring and citizen developers’ above)
O: We need a period of stability. We need to let people get back to normal.’
R: Sensitivity is important here – but you need to move forward, not back. Your first moves will be cementing the best of the changes that have already been made. The next moves will be to encourage users not to fall back into old, less productive habits.
O: Habits are ingrained. Are you really telling people to stop sharing on email?’
R: Yes, and yes. You can’t force people to change behaviour, but you can inspire them to. Show them what ‘better’ looks and feels like. Find your natural champions and advocates, within the community, to assist.
O: We don’t have the training budget or the expertise?
R: Take another read of the savings and added value estimated above. The paybacks are tangible. The expertise is available in the market. The cost of doing nothing ought to be your greatest concern.